Thursday, September 15, 2005

Cabbage and cricket

I gave Cabbage some Kwacha to take his mind off the bump, which has thankfully now gone down considerably, but I think he's got the wrong end of things.

He seems awfully keen to play cricket again. I think he considers getting knocked out whilst fielding as a money-making venture.



Blogger Hotboy said...

Mingin! Why shouldn't Cabbage love cricket? It's loved all over. I understand the Colosseum and chariot racing, but why can't I understand cricket? It's my next cave. Twenty years or so ago, I couldn't work out why hermits lived in caves instead of nice hotels. Now I understand. Cricket is the last bastion for me. When I understand what people see in cricket, I will understand it all.Hotboy
p.s. Well, if not it all, at least cricket!

5:03 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

HB - this is the second time that I find myself in agreement with you. Maybe one day we'll see eye to eye on the bliss. I doubt it.

MM - have you told us how Cabbage got his name?

10:48 PM  
Blogger zomba said...

Dear Chap Robmcj,

Cabbage got his name because he was christened thus.

Its a bit of a long story, and I won't bore you with the details, but Cabbage's predecessor was named Hibiscus.

I would prefer not to fall into the old colonialist repartee of chatting about the servants. It can be fascinating, but, essentially, its best kept 'downstairs'.

One simply learns to accept such things, hereabouts.

Wife has just complained about there not being any open liquid refreshments available.

Better go and placate.


3:47 PM  
Blogger zomba said...

My Dear Hotboy,

Let us both journey to The Windies in March '07, and you will understand all.


3:50 PM  

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