Friday, November 11, 2005

Give a guy a green

I say!

By popular demand, or to be more specific, because Hotboy requested more information, here are details about the beer hereabouts.

I am rather of the opinion that Hotboy, having decided to forgo such pleasures, is rather fixated on these matters.

As can be seen from the advert gleaned from the local rag, which I trust can be seen to the left, beer hereabouts can be ordered according to colour of the label.

Green, Black or Gold are the choices. Who needs more?

The caption which comes with the above advert, which was unfortunately over-large to scan, says "Give a guy a green!"

Of couse, there is also Chibuku, made from sorgum, which is drunk at room temperature, and which tastes rather like soup. And there is kachasu, about which I previously posted. My advice - avoid both at all costs!

I hope you may be able to read this. It is advice, written many years ago, but fortunately retained by Mrs Milngavie, given to expats on arrival hereabouts. My own experience confirms that it is solid advice, and I would go further - if at all possible, employ someone of the Muslim faith as watchman. Mr Abdul has served us very well. And yes, of course, it is very important that the watchman can challenge any culprits!

I do hope that those of the fairer sex will not take offense.



Blogger Lee Ann said...

Which is the best of all those you described....I am guessing the Gold. I love that word incorrigible! The one you drink warm does not sound appealing to me.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Ra beers! Ra beers! Nice to see such happy chappies! The beer monster here has been gone for three whole days! Fantastic post here! Hotboy

2:20 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

LA - Agreed, though the chocolate porter is best drunk at room temperature.

MM - any idea why that particular faith assists in the apprehension of miscreants? Does Musharraf know this?

7:44 PM  
Blogger zomba said...

My dear chaps,

Thank you for all your comments.

Gold are rather strong. I prefer Greens.

One reason it is better, in my opinion, to employ those of the Muslim faith as nightwatchmen is that they are less inclined to indulge in the 'amber nectar'.


11:07 AM  

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