Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Who wrote this?

I say,

For the literate amongst you, and without 'googling' it, can you say who wrote the following:

"I speak of Africa and golden joys."

Too easy?

I have been reading several books about the Happy Valley crowd, amongst whom my dear PawPaw used to mingle.

Here's a wonderful little quotation from one of them (The life and death of Lord Errol):

"The quality and colour of one's pajamas and dressing gown worn to dinner revealed one's social standing"

Of course, amongst the Happy Valley crowd it was de rigueur to wear a dressing gown to dinner. What the servants made of it all is no one's guess, but I expect that they regarded themselves as being invisible.

Not too much time for snaps today, but here's a few. The first one shows an unfortunate legacy of war - taken over in Mutare (previously Umtali), in Zim.

A waterhole, taken on a walking safari over in Hwange.

The same waterhole, if I remember correctly, taken from further away. What a wonderful ensemble!

Elephants are such enjoyable beasts. This one got rather close.



Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Dressing gowns to dinner. A trifle overdressed by UnHeard Of standards, but I like it.

Nice elephant.

3:33 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

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3:36 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

The only Google reference I could find was this one. I hope this helps.

3:39 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Great photies, Mingin'! The one of the giraffes, etc., is great. Did you really see that? Well, well ... I think dressing gowns for dinner is wonderful. What is the matter with being one of those joes if the world let you get away with it? Little, from your side. Hotboy

2:26 PM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

Those pictures are spectacular as usual. I am amazed that you have the giraffes, rhinoceros and elephants so close to take pictures. They are so beautiful, they look like postcards.
Thank you for sharing.

4:02 PM  
Blogger zomba said...

I say!

How encouraging it is to get such nice comments. You are all too kind.


11:22 AM  
Blogger zomba said...

"A foutre for the world and worldlings base!
I speak of Africa and golden joys."

The Bard himself.

11:43 AM  

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