Friday, October 14, 2005

Back from the Lake

I say!

Those last few days at the Anglican Cottage were wonderful!

Here is someone else's photograph of a typical Lake Malawi view, so that you can appreciate what we see when we raise our sundowner glasses.

Unfortunately, for security reasons, I am at present unable to post my own photographs, and I obviously cannot risk my supplement, but I have been making enquiries at 'the office' and hopefully this situation may change.

I must say, it is very dry up north, away from the Lake, and there have been more than a few bush fires.

We had a wonderful luncheon on Tuesday at the Club Mak. I must say, they certainly put on an impressive buffet. Recommend it, if you're in the area.

A curious incident late Wednesday night. I don't know whether it was an excess of MGTs or what, but I could have sworn there was a minor tremor. Ice doesn't usually shake around like that in one's glass. The Lake is on the Rift, after all, so they are quite frequent. Local rumour has it that a giant snake causes them.

Cabbage caused quite a bit of hilarity with his attempts at learning to swim. Quite determined, he was, and I gave him all the advice I could. He kept asking me how further up the Lake from Karonga was Edinburgh. He helped replenish firewood for the Anglican stove.

The windsurfing was absolutely excellent, apart from Thursday morning when there was rather too much swell for me. The local hippo was, fortunately, nowhere to be seen.

Brought back a supply of chambo, some charcoal, a new floormat, some cassava for the staff and some wonderful carvings which I'm sure originated from Mua.



Blogger zomba said...

My Dear Seva Alieva,

Thank you for your comment. However, I think it has no relevance whatsoever to my Mumblings.


2:11 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

MM III - if I remember right, you've got your own road construction equipment.

How was the windsurfing at Club Mak? And do you mind if I ask what the M stands for in MGT? Medium? Malawian? You and ra bliss chappie do enjoy posting riddles.

9:30 PM  
Blogger zomba said...

Malawi Gin & Tonic, old boy. Add ice and a slice of lemon. Avoid taking to excess.


4:34 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Thanks, I'll try it as soon as the beer runs out.

9:17 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Mingin! I would like to pay a visit to the resort as part of my weight reduction programme. Are there any poor starving basturns wandering about the perifery fence to lend encouragement? Are Beer Monster Reduction Vehicles allowed to enter Malawi or not? Hotboy

7:36 AM  
Blogger zomba said...

Mr Hotboy,

Last year's rains were very poor, hereabouts. Many people in villages depend on their gardens for food, so yes, there is quite a lot of hunger in the out-of-the-way places.

Near to the Lake, people tend to be better off.

They are building a landing strip at the Club Makokola, so you could fly there, and I could drive up to collect you. Show you the sights, etc.


11:20 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Mingin! I have have to hijack a plane and pop over. It sounds delightful! Hotboy

5:28 AM  

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