Friday, October 21, 2005

Cape Red, Nelson, UFOs and other ephemera

Well, I must admit that I am very much enjoying the Cape Red, a box of which Mrs Milngavie recently acquired.

This evening we are celebrating Lord Nelson. A very distant relative, albeit from the wrong side of the sheets, so to speak.

On the khondi a few minutes ago, I could have sworn I heard the distant cough of a leopard. As a hunter, one's ear gets trained to such sounds, of course, and in the not too hazy past I had a minor run-in with one over in the Luangwa Valley, but I can't imagine there are any heareabouts.

Talking about wildlife, I must just quote from Pat Cavendish O'Neill's excellent and recently published autobiography "A lion in the bedroom" :

"The duke sat around reminiscing, saying, "When I was monarch..." while everyone knew the duchess was having it off with Jimmy in one of the upstairs guest rooms. Mummy told me that the duchess was famous for her expertise in fellatio: rumour had it that she had lessons in China on this particular art. She was a very masculine woman; there was nothing soft or feminine about her, and I personally did not think she was good looking. She had a presence. I suppose that was the best one could say about her."

Well, I say! A tad catty, don't you think?

I must say that much of Pat's book is most enjoyable. What a memory she has, and its nice to catch up with some of the old Happy Valley crowd.

Of more local interest - Cabbage, who it must be remembered has had little or no education - is very concerned about the recent UFO sighting in Mangochi. He seems to think there is some connection between it and the disappearance of his cousin, and he has actually said he wants to go to see Bernie Owen and reclaim the remains.

Sorry, I must dash - Casper and Farley are making a terrible rumpus about something or other.



Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Funnily enough, I was quite famous for my expertise in subbuteo.

Also, my father taught me to salute every year on Nelson's birthday.

Very interesting post. Hope Casper and Farley enjoyed whatever it was.

9:25 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Thanks for the link over at hotboy's, to the mounds of cabbages. The red things look tasty too. Can they be pickled at all?

4:47 AM  
Blogger zomba said...

They are matimati (toms to you and I), and I will ask Doviko about pickling them when green.


4:58 AM  

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