I say!
I was very saddened to hear about what happened to Joan Root, up at Lake Naivashu. It only goes to show that one can never be too careful about matters of security. When Abdul is on his evening off, I always ask Doviko to be on standy.
On a more pleasant note, it is always wonderful to note how many children there are hereabouts. Wherever one goes, even in the bush, it seems that there are children everywhere.
This country has a high birth-rate. Not only that, but the children are not distracted by computer games, and the like. They tend to make their own entertainment, and can almost always be found outside.
Here are some snaps of children in this part of the world. Note their wonderful teeth, and the happy smiles, even though most of them are poor, in western financial terms.
The first two were taken up at the north of the Lake, near Livingstonia.

The next one was taken from a train, half-way to Nayuchi, on the Mocambique border. Those in blue are wearing their school uniform.

The next one shows a group in a village by the Lake. As soon as I got the camera out, they all became very excited, and started to make 'kung fu' poses. Living near the Lake, they are more likely to be well fed.

I was very saddened to hear about what happened to Joan Root, up at Lake Naivashu. It only goes to show that one can never be too careful about matters of security. When Abdul is on his evening off, I always ask Doviko to be on standy.
On a more pleasant note, it is always wonderful to note how many children there are hereabouts. Wherever one goes, even in the bush, it seems that there are children everywhere.
This country has a high birth-rate. Not only that, but the children are not distracted by computer games, and the like. They tend to make their own entertainment, and can almost always be found outside.
Here are some snaps of children in this part of the world. Note their wonderful teeth, and the happy smiles, even though most of them are poor, in western financial terms.
The first two were taken up at the north of the Lake, near Livingstonia.

The next one was taken from a train, half-way to Nayuchi, on the Mocambique border. Those in blue are wearing their school uniform.

The next one shows a group in a village by the Lake. As soon as I got the camera out, they all became very excited, and started to make 'kung fu' poses. Living near the Lake, they are more likely to be well fed.

Fab photies again, Mingin! I'm totally in favour of school uniforms. Especially for poor people. Kids in Algeria looked great in theirs. Same in India. Hotboy
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