Sunday, May 21, 2006

Good Old Blighty

I say!

How nice it is to be back in the UK, albeit briefly.

I must say that the place has changed considerably. What wealth! What choice! What supermarkets - they quite put old Kandodo in perspective. What construction! What prices! How does anyone afford anything? Yet, it seems that most people spend much of their time making purchases in the shops which are now everywhere.

Rather a general unfriendliness of the man in the street, so it seems. No-one has time to say "Good morning" or "Good afternoon", which is rather sad.

But the thing I notice the most is that almost everyone is glued to their mobile phones, having running conversations wherever they are. What do they talk about? Apart from "I'm in the airport" - "The plane has just landed" and "We're pulling into the station" - that is. The other thing I notice is the considerable waste of resources - packaging and food, mostly. Even vegetables come in elaborate packaging - whatever next?

Mrs M, Doviko, Abdul, Casper and Farley are holding the fort back in Kalimbuka, aided by 'Armed Response' of course.



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