Ogden's leaving party
Unfortunately, I'm unable to post diary entries every day because oftentimes I'm busy with hush hush work, if you know what I mean.
Last Friday it was Ogden's going away party. He recently completed two contracts, and after a lot of soul-searching, decided not to stay on. A shame, as I really enjoyed our occasional afternoon games of chess. He flies back to Vancouver tomorrow.
The party was at Reg's house, and a wonderful time was had by all. The bathtub was filled with Greens and ice, and Reg's Chimvu River Jazz Band tapes got everyone dancing very quickly.
Anyway, someone told me a funny story about Ogden. Ogden is careful with his pocketbook - nothing wrong with that, mind you - if one is not on a supplement, then one has to watch the Tambalas. We've all 'been there' so to speak, though thankfully in my own case, not for some time.
The person who told me this story, whom I will not mention by name, said that she had gone round to Ogden's house down at Chirunga to see if he was selling anything of interest in preparation for his departure. I think she ended up buying the last of his tupperware for her cook, but that's by the way. Ogden's house was particularly sparse, most of his possessions having already been shipped home. It was also almost in complete darkness. When she had to make a call of nature, she discovered there was no light in the toilet.
"What's happened to all your lights?" she enquired. Ogden informed her that they had gradually all gone, leaving him only two, one for the sitting room, and one for the kitchen. He had not wanted to go to the expense of buying more bulbs, since he was shortly to depart. As an aside, I can certainly understand this sentiment, as they are extremely overpriced at Kandodo, and you're never sure how long they will last if you purchase one in the market.
"What do you do when you want to go to bed, then?" she asked. Ogden said that he simply asked Benson (his cook) to move the lightbulb from the living room to the bedroom!
There's a canny man for you!
I must admit, I can't actually remember getting home after the party. It was an excellent do, though. At these social occasions there's a lot of mixing, which is wonderful. The dancefloor is full of people, and one dances with whomsoever one wants, male or female. One of my favourite dancing partners is Mr Dolozi, and another is Alice, from the bottlestore. The Chimvu beat is particularly fast, so its just as well that its still not too hot, hereabouts.